PinkThink Will Change the Way Girls Think About STEM
Growing up my mother was great at encouraging me to follow my interests, but she was always particularly happy if my interests leaned towards science, technology, math, or engineering (STEM); and A+ in biology earned a bit more celebration than an A+ in French. Of course, she valued a well-rounded education but as a business leader herself, she understood the importance of empowering women to follow careers into STEM fields because we are so underrepresented in them. However as time passed I lost my interest in and perhaps natural ability for math and science. Subjects which were my favorite in middle school turned into something I dreaded in high school.
This happens to many young girls as they grow up and decide on education and career paths. In 2006, women earned only 20% of the bachelor’s degrees in physics, computer science, and engineering combined. Studies suggest that if we can modify STEM education to be more relevant and engagingto young girls, we would also see greater participation throughout life.
The PinkThink approach is different because it emphasizes four pillars: passion-driven learning, curriculum personalization, peer-supported environment, and gamification. PinkThink is the first online platform designed especially for girls that integrates STEM-related resources, products, activities, and information. It encourages collaboration and support between users, which promotes continued engagement and learning. PinkThink’sgame products incentivize and personalize education for each user, which encourages a love of learning and fosters its continuation throughout life.
In catering to what girls see and experience around them, PinkThink plans to make the STEM subjects more relevant and accessible. Doing so will foster the continued appreciation for and education in STEM subjects by girls who more often than not choose to follow other interests.